Sunday 2 March 2014

Biking adventure @ Desa Park City

 The start of our first biking adventure at Desa Park City.. rented our bikes for RM10 per hour.. conditions were not very good (rusted and gear problem) but for newbies like us it was tahan-able >.<

 Camwhoring!! Grace on Rollerblades!!!

 Secret Passage Path on the way to the park ^^

 I snap you~ You snap me!

 Ainaa: You guys ah!! Faster la!! i wanna ride like the wind!!~~ *she did not actually say that*

 Grace multi-tasking! :O Ainaa hitching a ride ^^

 Wheee~~ But we had to make it a quick one because it started raining :( so grace walked back to her car with my umbrella and ainaa and i raced back to the shop to return our rented bikes ^^ *in the awesome rain!!*

 Back in the car we were so thirsty!!!

 Luckly we had an ice box so we bought ice and drank our ice-cold orange juice! *it acts as a wonderful table too ^^*

Rain~ rain~ >.<  Went back to my place to chill and continue having the *didnt get to eat tea time cornflakes cookies and tuna sandwiches we made *


 -The End-

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Trip to Gohtong Jaya~

 Strawberry in heaven
 mummy and baby
 where baby strawberries come from

 doesnt this look like a fairy tale?
 little hardworking bee
 half a flower.. wonder what happened to the other half? :O
 pretty orange
final moments of a dying rose
 mummy and her twins
 angel, spread your wings!
 pretty purple
 lots and lots of veggies

Sunday 25 August 2013

 BBQ chicken wings!
 Charcoal Fire!